miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


Panama, a cause of social inequalities, economic, political, among others, the November 3, 1903 obeying the will of the people to be free and to establish UN Government itself, independent, and sovereign, without the subordination of Colombia or any Another country, decided to separate from Colombia under the name of Republic of Panama. Backup IMMEDIATELY decision that 
found throughout the country, thus achieving our independence and sovereignty. United States helped the process paragraph separation from Colombia, but clearly they did para esta profit, was what the channel. Panama was a good opportunity since the channel would improve the economic status that existed at the time and eliminate unemployment. Thanks to the events and sacrifices that occurred on November 3, Now we enjoy the freedom of a republic and the bridge connecting not only America but also world-al. Each November 3 is cele This day is our honor to sovereignty and those who fought and shed their blood to get it.
Flag Day is celebrated on this date , which was designed by Manuel E. Amador and sewn by María Ossa de Amador. Both had worked in secret in making the tricolor emblem , so he was ready when the separation was consummated 1903 .

On November 4, it pays special tribute to the red , blue and white emblem with two stars .

Original idea Amador
The red color symbolizes the liberals and blue conservatives , the two political parties that at the time were bloody war . Both colors occupy a similar space in two blocks of an oblong ring. The other two white barracks mean the expected peace and on each of them a star .

The blue star symbolizes purity and honesty that would regulate the civic life of the country; and red , authority and the law must impose the rule of those virtues , as explained Don manuel E. Amador. It was on November 5 when the independence of Panama was ratified, because the 500 men under Colonel Eliseo Torres Colon could not move. The 500 men were in Columbus and Colonel Torres was no way that they can be moved. The colonel got angry and screaming, threatening to kill all Panamanian, US or foreign to oppose the above. It was when then initiated talks between the members of the colonense Revolutionary Junta Mayor Eleazar Guerrero and other local authorities in order to convince Colombians to leave Panama, which was achieved with solid pecuniary argument (eight thousand US dollars ) who managed to pacify the Colonel Torres.
It is so defined the November 5 as the most important day because that's when Juan Antonio Henríquez, a member of the Revolutionary Council of Columbus, sent to Panama a telegram that read: "Only now, 7: 30 pm, it can be said that the Panama independence is assured.One the boat "Orinoco" he departed with Crnel. Torres and all his soldiers.                        November 10 The First Shout of Independence in Villa de Los Santos was the November 10, 1821 in Panama , it occurs when a popular uprising against the Spanish colonial government in La Villa de los Santos in the province of Los Santos ; according to popular tradition , this fact was led by Rufina Alfaro, although historically is not fully proven. Yet this fact triggered a series of cries of Independence in various Panamanian cities , culminating in the independence of Panama from Spain, November 28, 1821.Declaration of Independence The November 28, 1821 Panama 's independence from Spain was consolidated . The Isthmus was declared free and independent territory of Spanish domination and proclaimed union Colombia . Reasons and circumstances that forced Panama to independence from Spain :
The independence of the United States and the establishment of democratic government.
The French Revolution proclaimed the Rights of Man ( Liberty, Equality and Fraternity ) .
The rise in Latin leaders like Simon Bolivar , Francisco de Miranda , Jose Maria Morelos, Jose de San Martin , Santander, etc. , defenders of justice and freedom .
The battles of Simon Bolivar, to achieve the independence of the countries in South America.
The fact that José de la Cruz Murgeon , Governor of the Isthmus , to instruct his replacement as head , the Panamanian Jose de Fabrega.

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